Retirement Benefit Payments

All retirements are effective on the first day of the month.
Retirement benefits are paid monthly and will be deposited into your bank account on the first business day of the month. In some cases, your bank may not make your retirement benefit available to you on the day your payment is deposited. You should ask your bank to make sure they received your deposit and ask when your money will be available.
In order to begin retirement benefits, the ERS requires certification of your final sick leave balance from the Commission’s Payroll Department before releasing the initial payment(s). In addition, a final Personnel Action Form must be received from the Commission’s Personnel Department. There are many factors affecting the processing and set up of retirement benefit payments, including payroll delays, activation timing, number of retirements, retroactive salary adjustments, long-term disability, leave without pay, domestic relations orders, part-time service, and actuarial deficiency calculations.
New retirees normally receive the first one or two retirement benefit payments eight (8) to ten (10) weeks after the effective date of retirement.